LED Traffic Light Pole Wholesale

Moetsi ea ka sehloohong oa mabone a sephethephethe Chaena

Lipalo tsa Mabone a Sephethephethe le Lipontšo; Re ka li etsa ka boholo bofe kapa bofe ho lekana litlhoko tsa hau tse ikhethileng.

Ho kopanya tsela e atlehang ea sephethephethe sa likoloi le tsa batho ba tsamaeang ka maoto litseleng tse tšoanang, mateanong a litsela le litselana ke phephetso e lulang e fetoha.Ke ka lebaka leo o hlokang libopeho tsa mats'oao a sephethephethe tse sebetsang - letsatsi le letsatsi - ntle le mohopolo oa bobeli.O hloka meaho e bonolo, e sebetsang, e tšoarellang nako e telele, e entsoeng ka makhethe le ho ntlafatsa tikoloho eo e kentsoeng ho eona.U hloka LED Traffic Light Pole.Re qala ka pono ea hau - eng kapa eng ho tloha ho tse bonolo le tse sebetsang ho isa ho tse majabajaba le tse khabisitsoeng.Joale, re fetola mohopolo oo hore e be oa nnete, ho kenyelletsa boqapi, ho tšoarella le boipiletso ba pono ho sebopeho sa matšoao a sephethephethe se fetang litebello tsa hau.Ke ka seoelo tlhokahalo e emang meahong ea matšoao a sephethephethe.Ke ka lebaka leo u ka tšepang HUAJUN ho fana ka tharollo.

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa

Kopo :

Litekanyetso tse tsoang ho New Modern Traffic Lighting Poles bosiu li fa literata ponahalo e ntle 'me li bonahala habonolo ho beng ba likoloi maemong a leholimo a lefifi kapa a mabe, ho fokotsa likotsi tse ngata tsa Sephethephethe.

Phetoho ea 'mala:

Letšoao la Lebone la Leseli la Sephethephethe sa LED, le khubelu, le lesehla, le letala, le fetola 'mala, le etsa hore ts'ebetso ea hau e be bonolo haholoanyane, mokhabiso o ikhethang.

Lisebelisoa tse tsoang kantle :

Mabone a sephethephethe a tsoang Thailand PE thepa, e sa keneleng metsi, e hanyetsa mocheso o phahameng, ha ho bonolo ho fetoha, ho thibela botsofali, anti ultraviolet, lerōle, mafome.

Kenyelletso e bonolo:

Mabone ana a Sephethephethe sa LED a bonolo ho a kenya, ha a hloke matla a eketsehileng a ka ntle, a ka kopanngoa ka ho toba le sebaka sa pele sa lebone la lebone la sephethephethe, ka bobeli bo loketseng le ho netefatsa hore lebone la lebone la sephethephethe le bonts'a ka nako e le 'ngoe.


Huajun Co., Ltd. ke khoebo ea theknoloji e phahameng e sebetsanang le mabone a ka ntle le moralo oa mabone a sephethe-phethe, e ka hlahisang lihlahisoa tse ikhethileng tseo u li hlokang.Ho na le matsatsi a 7-10 a tsamaisoa ka potlako, ho netefatsa boiphihlelo ba hau ba ho reka, ka kopo, kholiseha ho reka!



Leseli la Sephethephethe sa LED 28
Leseli la Sephethephethe sa LED 29

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa

Moralo ha se feela hore na o shebahala joang le hore o ikutloa joang;moralo ke kamoo e sebetsang kateng.Re boetse re etsa lipalo tsa mats'oao tsa mokhabiso tse entsoeng ho lumellana le pono ea moqapi.Ho tloha metheong e khabisitsoeng ho ea ho mebala e tloaelehileng, moeli o le mong feela ke monahano oa hau.Lipalo tsa mekhabiso tsa mekhabiso li fumaneha ka li-shafts tse chitja, tse octagonal, tse mahlakore a leshome le metso e ts'eletseng kapa tse phatlohileng le matsoho a mast.

Boholo 400 * 250cm Boima ba 'mele 50kg
Tšireletso ea UV boemo 8 Boemo ba IP IP67
Mmala 16 RGB mebala Matla 150W
Mofuta oa Leseli LED e fetolang mebala Palo ea li-volts AC110-220V/DC24V
Lethathamo la Polokeho E netefalitsoe ke CE / RoHS / UL / SCS / FCC Kopo Tsela, seterata
Taolo Remote control & Manual Setaele Lebone la Leseli la Sephethephethe le Khantšitsoeng


Leseli la Sephethephethe sa LED 27
Leseli la Sephethephethe sa LED 23


lebone la sephethephethe le bolelele bo bokae?

30 maoto

Lipontšo tsa Sephethephethe & Lipalo tsa Mabone

Khetha ho tsoa ho meralo ea lipalo tse tapered le tse sa rekoang le bophahamo baho fihla ho maoto a 30 (9 limithara).

boholo ba palo ea mabone a sephethe-phethe

Lintlha tsa NJDOT bakeng sa palo ea aluminium le letsoho la mast bakeng sa lets'oao la leseli la sephethephethe Kantle ho Letšoao la Leseli Hlooho (S1), w = 23.5 ka, H = 50.5 ka, D = 12 ho, Sebaka se otlolohileng, Av = (23.5x50.5)/144 = 7.96 ft2 Horizontal, Ah = (12x23.5)/144 = 1.27 ft2 Hlooho ea lets'oao la kantle e fumaneha L= 25 ft (sebaka se phahameng se ka khonehang) Ka hare ho Hlooho ea Letšoao (S2), w = 19.5 ho, H = 40.5 ho, D = 8 in, Vertical area, Av = (19.5x40.5)/144 = 5.48 ft2 Sebaka se otlolohileng, Ah = (8x19.5)/144 = 1.08 ft2 Hlooho ea mats'oao e ka hare e teng L = 12.5 ft Mast Arms, Elliptical shape, Long Bophahamo = 6 ho Palo e Otlolohileng, Cd = 1.1 Mast Arm, Cd = 1.1

thepa ea mabone a sephethe-phethe

E entsoe ka konkreite, polasetiki ea fiberglass e matlafalitsoeng (FRP), tšepe le lisebelisoa tsa lehong tsa LED.Letšoao la sephethephethe, letšoao le lipalo tse khabisitsoeng li fumaneha.

litsenyehelo tsa palo ea mabone a sephethephethe

Litsenyehelo tse tloaelehileng tsa palo ea mabone a seterateng li tloha ho$2,000 ho isa ho $3,000, ho sa kenyeletsoe ho kenya.Litsenyehelo tsa ho kenya li ipapisitse le toropo, empa karolelano e batla e le $1,000.Lipalo tsa mabone a seterateng li rarahane ho kenya le ho feta tse kholoanyane.

Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona